Dyslexia Test

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Our dyslexia spectrum test checks for most subgroups of dyslexia spectrum disorders (including elements of: dysgraphia, dyscalculia, alexia and childhood disintegrative disorder). The quiz presented is not a scientific - diagnostic test.

  • All age groups (children / adults)
  • The questions were developed by recognised experts *
  • An innovative method of analysing the results was used (Artificial Intelligence)
  • The model we rely on is used by experts * around the world
  • The test should not take more than 10-15 minutes to complete. This is a quick solution
  • You will receive recommendations on how to deal with dyslexia (booklet or e-book)
  • Total anonymity is guaranteed

Make sure that you provide honest answers while taking the test. The results will be provided with the use of a probability scale, and assistance relevant to your condition will be offered.

The service processes personal data (e.g.: e-mail) in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR).

* Our self-test was adapted from tests including: DEST-2 (early dyslexia screening test), DST-J and DST-S (dyslexia screening test - Junior and Secondary) and DAST (adult dyslexia screening test).

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dyslexia test

NOTE: Please note that our app is not a diagnostic tool. The result of the analysis and access to educational material (in the form of a brochure or e-book) is a one-off fee of $4.99. This is a simple, quick and completely safe solution.

The result and analysis of a given test does not constitute a diagnosis of a disorder. The "Mind Test" application only determines the degree of probability of the occurrence of a given disorder on the basis of a self-reported online test. If you suspect that you have symptoms characteristic of a disorder and would like a reliable diagnosis, please contact a psychotherapist, psychiatrist, doctor or health professional.

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We have 109 articles on dyslexia on the blog



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Symptoms of dyslexia in reading

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Symptoms of dyslexia in speaking

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Prevalence and incidence of dyslexia

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Dyslexia - causes, types, symptoms and diagnosis.
How to help a child with dyslexia?

  • What is dyslexia?
  • Symptoms of dyslexia
  • Types and types of dyslexia
  • Facts and popular myths
  • Dyslexic - who is it?
Developmental dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty. Dyslexic disorders are accompanied by problems with reading, writing and spelling.
The term dyslexia was created by combining the prefix dys-, which in Latin means lack of something, difficulty, inability, with the verb lego- "I read" or Lexis- "words."
Dyslexia is a general term used to describe a common learning disorder in which the affected person's reading ability is impaired due to difficulty recognizing the sounds made in speech and their relationship to letters and words. The condition is also referred to as a specific "reading disability."

Dyslexia as a manifestation of specific learning difficulties.

The definition promulgated in 1994 by the Orton Society in the US states that dyslexia is one of many different types of learning difficulties. It is a specific language-based disorder that is constitutionally determined (changes in the central nervous system caused by cerebral hypoxia, chromosomal anomalies, prenatal overproduction of testosterone, underdevelopment of the cerebral cortex, and microdamage during birth and early childhood). Dyslexia manifests itself in a variety of difficulties with regard to linguistic communication, in addition to difficulties in reading there are serious problems in mastering skills in writing technique (dysgraphia) and correct spelling (dysorthography). Children with dyslexia often have difficulties in the acquisition of language skills that can in some cases also manifest themselves in mathematics (dyscalculia).

Can I have dyslexia?

Get an initial dyslexia assessment - take our dyslexia test. Please note that our app is not a diagnostic tool. If you suspect you have symptoms specific to the condition and want a reliable diagnosis, contact a psychotherapist, psychiatrist, doctor or health care professional.
Symptoms of dyslexia vary from person to person. Each affected person has his or her own set of strengths and weaknesses in the ability to understand, interpret and communicate verbal information.To facilitate diagnosis, dyslexia symptoms can be grouped according to a person's age. To make diagnosis easier, dyslexia symptoms can be grouped according to a person's age.

Preschool children

Dyslexia is difficult to diagnose in children of this age, who have very different levels of learning. Features in children in this age group include:
  • Slow speech development.
  • Difficulty in correct word order and a tendency to mix up letters. For example, a child may say "tevelision" instead of "television."
  • Difficulty in correctly composing sentences to express oneself.
  • Poor understanding of rhymes.
  • Lack of interest in learning the letters of the alphabet.

School-age children

Symptoms of dyslexia generally become easier to recognize in school-aged children. Some features of the condition in children between the ages of 5 and 12 include:
  • Difficulty in understanding the meaning of the written word.
  • Poor phonological awareness, which refers to a person's ability to understand how a word is made up of smaller sound units. This is essential for spelling and reading.
  • Poor verbal memory. Verbal memory is the ability to recall information, such as a short list of items or a few instructions.
  • Difficulty in learning sequences, such as letters of the alphabet or days of the week.
  • Unpredictable and inconsistent spelling, with a tendency to misplace letters and numbers.
  • Difficulty in reading aloud.
  • Visual disturbances during reading. For example, a child may indicate seeing moving letters or blurring them.
  • Children may be able to answer questions well orally, but have difficulty writing down what they said.
  • Poor writing skills and difficulty dictating or even copying text.
  • Lack of organizational skills and poor time management.
  • Shy and introverted behavior due to fear of speaking or reading incorrectly. Children may also suffer from low self-esteem and be targeted by bullies.

Dyslexia in adults

Untreated dyslexia in adults can result in low self-esteem, anxiety, aggression, withdrawal from family, friends, and someday teachers. Symptoms of the disorder in adulthood can include:
  • difficulties with reading (including reading aloud),
  • trouble distinguishing left from right,
  • problems with mathematical tasks,
  • difficulty understanding jokes or idioms.

There are the following varieties of developmental dyslexia:

  • dyslexia (difficulties in reading fluently, often combined with difficulties in writing),
  • dysgraphia (distortion of the graphic side of writing),
  • dysorthography (difficulty mastering correct spelling, despite knowledge of spelling rules),
  • dysphonia (unclear and silent speaking),
  • dyscalculia (specific difficulties in solving mathematical tasks),
  • hyperdyslexia (difficulties in reading with understanding).

Types and types of dyslexia

Taking into account the etiology of the disorder in question, developmental and acquired dyslexia are distinguished. Developmental dyslexia is associated with disturbances in the process of child development. Acquired dyslexia arises suddenly, independent of developmental processes, most often as a result of brain damage.

Taking into account the disturbed functions underlying the syndrome in question, it is said:

  • dyslexia of the visual type, which is a consequence of disorders of visual perception, visual memory, eye-motor coordination;
  • auditory type dyslexia, resulting from disorders of auditory perception, auditory memory, language functions;
  • integrative dyslexia, caused by inappropriate cooperation of properly developed perceptual-motor functions.
Considering specific learning difficulties in terms of brain activity, a distinction is made between linguistic and perceptual dyslexia. Linguistic dyslexia occurs when the activity of the left cerebral hemisphere dominates in a child learning to read, which should happen later in life, when the ability to read is already mastered. Perceptual dyslexia is diagnosed when the activity of the right cerebral hemisphere dominates in a child who has mastered reading, which is appropriate during the earlier developmental phase - the acquisition of reading skills.

Disorders of the sense organs are the cause of dyslexia.

Dyslexia is not due to abnormal sensory organs. However, a child at risk for dyslexia can be a child who comes from an abnormal pregnancy and birth, who has a family history of these disorders, and a child who shows symptoms of disharmonious psychomotor development.

Children who write letters backwards have dyslexia.

No, young children often do.

Dyslexia results from didactic neglect, such as not reading books to the child.

It is possible that the predisposition is hereditary, but you can work on it and develop the ability to read, spell, practice memory, etc. It is important to take care of the child's development, and reading books to the child can certainly alleviate the symptoms of dyslexia.

Dyslexia can be cured.

It can't. A dyslexic has a different brain structure and thus looks at the world differently. This does not mean that such a person will be lost in the reality around him. Properly supported, a dyslexic can achieve great things.

It is enough to write something many times to remember it.

Sometimes this helps, but it is still important to remember that a dyslexic remembers differently and has a different perception than the average person.

Dyslexia looks the same in everyone.

No, every dyslexic student is different.

A dyslexic is an unintelligent person.

No, dyslexia is diagnosed in children with at least an average level of intelligence. There are often above-average intelligent people with dyslexia, as we mentioned above.

Dyslexia is an excuse.

No, it's a neurological disorder that requires the right approach. Yes, not every child with a learning disability is dyslexic, which is why specialized diagnosis is so important.

Is there a test for dyslexia?

Yes. Currently, there are several dyslexia tests available on the market, among others: DEST-2, DST-J, DST-S or DAST. You can use our dyslexia test. Although it has no scientific value, it still fulfills its purpose - a preliminary psychological assessment (degree of probability).
A dyslexic is a person with specific reading and writing disorders. This type of problem manifests itself in early childhood, often when the child is just learning to read and write, because he does it more slowly than his peers, and his learning has worse results (he makes the same specific mistakes, despite constant learning and acquiring knowledge). Despite the fact that a dyslexic is often regarded as intelligent and can achieve success in many areas of life (especially in later years), he is often considered lazy because he has failed to master certain basics related to reading and writing.

Dyslexic - facts and myths

A dyslexic is undoubtedly a person who needs appropriate therapy. Of course, it must be associated with the age of the dyslexic. Therapy is different in a child and in an adult. And adults also have serious dyslexic problems. Moreover, these problems can become a barrier to going to college or finding a good job. And that is why it becomes so important to fight dyslexia.

Dyslexic who is it?

It is a person who has difficulties arising from a perceptual disorder. Therefore, it cannot be looked down upon. If she does not read fluently or confuses a phone number, she is not doing it on purpose. Therefore, she must not be criticized. Because this will only make her feel worse.

Wondering if you suffer from dyslexia?

You can use an online dyslexia test. Although it has no scientific value, it still fulfills its purpose - a preliminary psychological assessment (degree of probability). Please note that our application is not a diagnostic tool.