Dyslexia is the inability to link the sounds of words to the letters that make up words. It is considered to have a learning difficulty but is not related to intelligence. It is also not related to visual problems.
Having dyslexia as an adult can present challenges that children with the same condition do not experience.
How do you diagnose dyslexia in adults?
Doctors do not diagnose dyslexia, which is not commonly thought of as a medical or physical condition. A psychologist will assess and make a diagnosis.
You can also self-assess yourself using online tests on the Internet. Although they have no scientific value, they still fulfil their purpose – a preliminary psychological assessment (degree of probability). Dyslexia in adults has many symptoms that usually require a personal assessment with a psychologist.
There are several types of tests that a clinician can perform to determine the level or severity of dyslexia. These tests may include:
- vision testing
- hearing test
- reading test
- psychological tests
- questionnaires about your lifestyle or working life
Take our dyslexia test online
You no longer need to leave the house to get an initial analysis of your dyslexia-related mental health. Now it’s easy! All you need to do is complete a specially designed test.
The test analyses most subgroups of dyslexia spectrum disorders (including elements of: dysgraphia, dyscalculia, alexia and childhood disintegrative disorder).
Sometimes symptoms of dyslexia can include low self-esteem and a tendency to be hard on oneself. It is important to feel emotionally supported by those around you. Be proactive in creating an environment with tools and resources to help you cope with dyslexia. You may also want to attend a support group, online or in person.
- https://dysleksja.waw.pl/dysleksja-u-doroslych/